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my fish

23 15:34:08

hi, recently i've noticed that many of my freshwater fish have what look like air bubbles stuck to their fins and tails. do you know what could have caused this, and what it is?

Hello Meg,

This really sounds like Ich.  It's very common in fishes.  Please consider treating them for these parasites.  They are common, but are also deadly if left untreated.

To treat them, please add 2 teaspoons of salt per gallon to their tank.

If the tank is a 10 gallon, add 20 teaspoons of rocksalt (dissolved in water first) or marine salt.  Never use table salt.  Iodized products kill fish.

I hope this helps.  They are infected, possibly, with a deadly parasite which effects millions of fish every year.

Please send photos and write back anytime.