Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > amonia levels high Cont

amonia levels high Cont

23 16:08:37

QUESTION: Hi Dave, I changed the charcoal filters after changing the water and when I stirred the gravel up the water was still almost clear.  I also added Cycle (bacteria to  jumpstart tank) That was it so frustrating to have ammonia levels so high.  The black flakes in the water were very few. This morning ammonia level is .75 ppm was about .5 yesterday  Should I expect a brief spike in ammonia that usually happens with a new tank set up? I will keep you posted.

ANSWER: The ammonia spike does happen in new tanks... I am curious to know what the nitrite and nitrate levels are... dave

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QUESTION: Through all of this those levels have been at 0.  Today nitrate is barely above 0, nitrite is 0, hardness is about a 50, chlorine is 0, alkalinity is 0 (low), And ph is below 6.2  These have been consistenet with water through this whole problem.  I have been keeing a record.

ANSWER: I would do another small water change ... maybe 20% and check it again.  I think the tank is just struggling to find its balance or cycle. Some tanks take up to three months... while others cycle in a few days.  dave

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QUESTION: Well is has been a few weeks now and water levels have been okay, but I have black stuff gorowing on the sides of the tank and the rocks.  It comes off the sides very easy. Plants are back in the tank.  Any ideas?

The black stuff is probably a form of algae.  add some aquarium salt to the tank at half dosage (per its instruction label.)  Algae needs light so make sure that your tank is not getting more then about 8 -9 hours of light per day.  This would include indirect sun-light.  Algae can also be caused by high phosphate so I would check the water chemistry and ask that they test for phosphate too.  dave