Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > betta barely moves, hasnt eaten

betta barely moves, hasnt eaten

23 16:08:38

I'm really worried about my betta fish. I've had him for about 8 mos. He does't swim anymore; he just lies at the bottom of the tank with apparently labored breathing. He does change position from time to time and seems to prop himself up on his plants but I'm concerned that he no longer seems to swim to the surface of the water to breath air (or eat). Things turned pretty quickly for him. He used to seem really happy and healthy. One day I noticed ich-like spots and strange swimming. He seemed to have swim bladder disorder because he was floating a little lopsided but still had a voracious appetite (his fins looked a little clamped too) I gave him some betta revive for ich. Then I fasted him for about 4 days then broke his fast with a few pieces of mashed up pea. He ate a little but since then has gotten weaker and won't eat anything. It has been about a week now. I've started him on meracyn two and a little tetracycline. He lives in a 5 gallon tank (alone)but I have greatly reduce the amount of water because I'm afraid he can't swim to the top anymore. I suspect he has dropsy because he is a little swollen looking and seems weak but I don't know for sure. He looks at his food as I drop it near him but only half heartedly lunges for it and never is able to eat. Do you think I am over medicating him? Would it be too jarring to go out and buy him a heater in his weak state? His water is at about 72-74 degrees and I've checked that there is no ammonia or nitrate in his water. I just want to do whatever I can for him. How long can he go without eating? Is there anything I can do to make  him more comfortable if it turns out he has dropsy and is dying?
Thank you for your advice!

ANSWER: You did well with the Pea for his swimbladder!

Do water changes of 25% every four days and get him some medication for dropsy from your Local Fish Store!

Follow the instructions on the bottle and let me know how he gets on!

Good Luck     Jack

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for the information. I will follow your advice and continue his medicine and water changes.
*How long can a betta go without eating? That was one of my main concerns.
*Do you think a heater is a good idea to warm up his metaboloism or too stressful of a change at this point?

Hey no problem :)

A betta could go without food for up to two weeks!  But its not wise to stave him this long!

He should have a heater anyway Nina, Bettas are tropical fish so please get one!

You see a change in him after this heater:)

Good Luck    Jack