Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > How many differant colors do Mollys come in?

How many differant colors do Mollys come in?

23 16:30:08


Your last reply was very helpful thank you.
I'm wondering if there are any other colors for Mollys, I know about the Dalmatian (White w/black spots), White, Black, Orange fantail, gray. I'm hoping there's blue, green and many more. I really like the mollys.

Hi Rich,
Besides the ones you just mentioned, I know there are gold dust mollies and yellow mollies. I don't know of any blue or green mollies but I'm sure there could possibly hybrids out there that are of that color.

There are always new hybrids showing up in petstores so keep a close eye out for new fish coming in at your local petstore...

Best wishes and I hope this helps!