Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > does my sons shubunkin have a hernia?

does my sons shubunkin have a hernia?

25 9:06:18

The tank has been set up for 7 months or so. I am not sure of the levels of ph etc. the tank holds about 15 ltrs. The tank has two fish in it 1 goldfish small and 1 shubunkin small. I hope you can help, my sons shubunkin has had a constipation(swimbladder problem) which I have treated by fasting for 2 days then feeding it peas. This rectified the problem I also stopped feeding them fish flakes. Then this morning when feeding the fish I noticed that it's side(bowel/stomach area) has a lump. I've just had a closer inspection and it has 1 large lump and a slightly smaller lump they both look white and slightly mouldy, around the area is dark looks as if it needs a to empty it's bowel. the fish is active and eating.I change the water regularly.Please can you help, I would hate to think the fish is suffering.Thank you. leah

Hi Leah;

Those poor guys just need a bigger tank. The chronic bowel problems are related to lack of space. When fish can't get enough exercise their bodies can't work properly and they get constipated as well as develop other illnesses. They are also subjected to concentrated amounts of fish waste toxins in too small a tank. You must be changing water quite often for them to still be alive after 7 months. That's wonderful, but it just isn't enough, especially as they get bigger.

Goldfish require about 40 liters per fish as adults in order to thrive. Even while young they should not be in anything smaller than a 20 liter. Goldfish reach an adult size of about 15 to 20 cm. They are deep-bodied fish that just make a lot of waste, even if they don't eat very much. Shibunkins are a fancy type of goldfish so the same applies to him. Here is a good web page about goldfish and their needs;

Here is a good web page about goldfish diet that may help you too;

So, start shopping for at least a 40 liter for both those guys with a good power filter attached. Goldfish don't need a heater so don't bother with that. Just a tank with lights, lid, filter, decorations. They will love you for it!

Have fun!

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins