Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Layer of bubbles on top of tank.

Layer of bubbles on top of tank.

23 16:40:03

I recently bought a freshwater, 10 gallon tank and set it up. For a week, it was
fine. Then, I bought two, small fish to act as a test run, one black  molly and
a small glofish. For about three days, everything seemed to be running perfectly
until I saw some white spots on the black molly and assumed it was ick, it died
within a couple of hours. I have refrained from buying any other fish since
then. It's been nearly a week since then and my glofish has been perfect, I
bought an ick treatment and treated my water for fear of it contaminating future
fish. It's been two days since I treated it, and still everything seemed normal.
Yesterday, I noticed my water level a little low and added a small amount of
water not even enough to fill it to the rim thinking I should add it gradually.
Along with that, I added the recommended amount of a water conditioner that
neutralizes the chlorine in the water. This afternoon, I saw an accumulation of
bubbles (not foam) but bubbles on the top of my tank which are from an air pump
that I have releasing bubbles. However, until now, they have always been
distributed evenly. What happened?  Should I refrain from buying more fish?
Sorry for the long explanation, I didn't want to leave anything out.

Thank you, Stephanie.

You tank is going through new tank sydrome, called cycling.  Here is an article about cycing.  Do not add anymore fish until 8 weeks after the startup of the tank.  Change water 50% every other day or so for the next few weeks.  Test your water daily.