Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Maracyn


23 15:22:16

I have a 10 gallon tank. Had 2 Nickle size Angelfish and 2 small Corydoras catfish, plus 4 Ghost Shrimp.
One Angelfish died. The next morning around 5am. The other Angelfish's tail looked liked it was half eaten. I remover the Ghost Shrimp!
I didn't think that the Cory's did it. In about 4 hours the tail was gone. In about an hour the Angelfish had gray stuff all over it. I went down to my Fish store and told the lady there what happened and she sold me Maracyn in hopes that would work. I used the Maracyn and with in an hour the Angelfish died. Now the Cory's look great and happy. So, Do I still put in Maracyn for the 5 days, or change my water (50% or more?) and let it sit?  I want to put my baby Angelfish in this tank next week. They will be 2 1/2 weeks old.
So, finish the med. or just change water about every other day and let the baby's in 5 - 6 days??  Thank You, so very much, Cindi

Hi Cindi,
Sounds like an infection had taken place very quickly on your poor angel.

The cories don't have any ability to tear fish fins. They are probably the most peaceful of all community fish. They rarely ever bother anybody. That's why they make exellent tank mates for countless species.

I don't think I would treat the cories with the maracyn if they aren't showing any signs of infection. The angel may have simply been an isolated case. The number one thing I would do is daily 30-50% water changes to insure they have clean water. Nothing brings about or encourages illness faster than polluted water. Also make sure the keep it maintained consistently clean. You can test your nitrate level which will give you a decent idea on if your water change regimen is sufficient. You should aim to keep nitrates below 15
You can test with little kits at home but many pet stores test you water for free. It wouldnt hurt to know your tank's ammonia and nitrite levels as well. Both of the levels should be at ZERO.

I would give the tank at least 2 weeks before adding your baby angels in. After a week of daily 30-50% water changes you should be able to lessen that to about once a week ideally. Twice a week would be great!

I hope all goes well and good luck!