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Help with my Yellow-Striped Catfish

25 9:11:03

I've recently gotten a very nice looking new catfish and put him in his own 10 gallong tank. He is only about 3-4 inches long.

My question is this: He is completely inactive! He is always in the same spot and i never see him swimming around the tank at all. I am currently feeding him Sinking Carnivore Pellets twice a day. But i also never see him eat the pellets, he must eat them after i'm already gone and not looking.

Please help i feel like I might be doing something wrong. Maybe the temperature of the water? what kind of light does he need? Is that the right kind of food to feed a little striped catfish? He is black with a yellow belly and a yellow stripe going down each side.

Thanks for any help.

How recently?  Sometimes it takes a fish several days to get use to their new home and start eating.
To be honest I have never had any luck with these kind of fish.  They are one of the only fish we have not been able to keep alive. :(
Maybe a friend would help him?  Some fish tend to be social and need to be with other fish.
I am sorry but I don't have a large amount of knowledge on this particular fish since I have not kept them.  
Check into if they need a tankmates.   Good luck!