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Feeding Placos

23 16:47:08

Hi Karen!
I have a quick question about feeding placos.  I recently bought two small ones (about 1-1.5 inches long).  I have them in a 30 gallon tank with 3 guppies and 8 redline rasboras.  All of the fish are roughly the same size.  I have been feeding the guppies and rasboras flakes and alternating with pelets.  Do I need to feed the placos with any specific kind of food, or do you think they are getting enough to eat just by scrubbing the tank?  I also have some live plants in the tank as well.  I don't know if this is specific and/or clear enough set up to help you answer my question.
Best regards,

Hi Pauls,
Plecos do need some extra food even if they are eating algae in your tank. You can feed them algae wafers and they even like vegetables. Mine really like zuchinni sliced and attached with a rubber band to a rock. They will also try to eat lettuce. If you don't feed them they can starve.

Hope this has helped,