Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > fry or parasite

fry or parasite

25 9:04:15

your right it is fry and alot at that will the mollie eat them? I tried to seperate with a net and manual tank vacuume but picked up more dirt then them?

Followup To

Question -
My son set up new tank with mollies now there is tiny white egg looking things in gravel they are alive and moving what are they?

Answer -
Hey Nicole,
They are probably fry, and were either just born (and should start swimming around REALLY soon) or were pre maturely born and most likely will all die.

I'm sure they are fry, but it depends on how healthy they are to tell if they will make it or not. If they start swimming around, feed them very finely crushed fish flakes a few times a day.

Good luck with everything! I hope this helps you out!!
if you have any more questions feel free to ask!
best wishes, Chelsey

Sorry it took a while to answer! =]

Hey nicole,
You should seperate them, the mom will eat the babies as a snack and clean out the tank in minutes if there aren't any hiding places. They will probably need to be seperated from all fish, there aren't many fish that can be housed with them with out them becoming food.

Try getting a net that has more of a solid cloth, instead of the typical green net with holes. I have a white one that is small and works perfectly. If worse comes to worst, you could probably make one using a piece of cloth and a wire, "sewing" the wire around the edge of the cloth by hand, using a weaving method. make sure to use a big piece of wire so you have enough left over for a handle.

Try getting them into a tank (which can be small, a five gallon works great)). The tank will need a small heater and a thermometer at a temperature of about 75 to 80 degrees farenheit. When they turn six weeks (no younger) you will need to put a filter in the tank, as they will start to need a small current.

feed them crushed up fish flakes that are in a powder, and feed them a few times a day if possible.

Any more questions, feel free to ask! ((i'll be sure to get back to you quicker next time =] ))

best wishes, chelsey