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Fish community

23 15:17:21

I am going to set up a ten gallon
tank with a heater, filter, gravel,
and lots of plants.

These are the fish I want to keep in it:

6 or 7 neon tetras, 2 male fancy guppies,
1 or 2 ghost shrimp, and a female betta fish.

Is this OK?

Will they all get along?

Are their temperature, PH, ect. needs the same?

If not, what would you recommend?

(Other fish I like are corydoras catfish,
platies, Mollies, ect.)


I don't want anyone to breed,
and I would really like at least one
bottom feeder/algae eater, to help the
tank stay clean.

Hi Miriam

That's a little too many fish for a 10 gallon. Scale back to 5 Neon Tetras, 2 male Guppies, 1 Ghost Shrimp and 1 Cory Cat. I wouldn't recommend putting a Betta in with brightly colored fish such as the Neons and Guppies. Most female Bettas are just as aggressive as the males.

Hope this helps, good luck!
