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25 9:02:27



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Question -
  Hi, I purchased 1 "fat" molly,1 platy,and 5 ghost shrimp.I already had 1 now I think male molly.They were all housed together in a well planted 10 gallon.The next morning before school I found a less fat molly and plenty of babies.Well I took the babies out and they are eating good and have been getting fed 2-4 times a day.They all have fat tummies but haven't grown much to me.I've changed the water twice since they were born which was last Sun. and Mon.Well I really want to keep probably 6 or 8.They are in a 2 gallon and there is at the tops 20 of them.My sister wants two.And I want to keep a few in the 2 gallon and put some in 10 gallon I really LUV these fish and wish I could keep them all.They have been eating crushed goldfish and tropical flakes and crushed bloodworms and just got intruduced to frozen brine shrimp today they wnet nuts for that.I took the gravel out today because when I look in the tank sometimes one may be stuck in the gravel.And in the tank there's an air pump,a few plants,a dolphin ornament,and a light that keeps them warm.They have salt in the they're water also.What else should be done and inform me on everything.I want them to grow to be purty adults and have more babies.They have excellent colors.The mom is orange,black,gold,silver,and yellow, she's like a marble and they're mostly black.2 are clear with a few black spots.I really love them and need to get everything perfect for their health and wellbeing.They will be a week old tommorrow night and Monday morning.

Answer -
hey mark!
I currently have a 5 gallon tank of babies as well! they are the cutest, aren't they?

That is great they are gaining weight, it is a very good sign. They will probably start to grow pretty quickly in the next few weeks, but the first week or two is a little slow with growth.
All of a sudden you are going to see a few babies that are much bigger than the rest because they started to grow a little bit quicker than the rest, but they will all start to get bigger really soon.

You should probably try to get a thermometer in the 2 gallon tank to make sure the temperature stays at around seventy five to eighty degrees. If the light doesn't get the water this warm, than you should probably get a small heater. Baby mollies are prone to pnemonia from cold air and water in the tank because they are cold blooded and they have such tiny bodies.

Once they turn about six weeks old, it is good to have a filter running in the tank, because they will start to need a small current in the tank.

Everything you have in the tank is perfect, and the salt is good to have (I have found that two tablespoons per gallon is perfect) and you are feeding them right.

The decorations are fine, and actually good to have because baby mollies like to hide in things. If you ever want any other type of decoration, consider a few fake plants, they love to sleep and in between the branches/leaves at night and rest on them during the day when they are young. They will start to rest less and less as they grow up, and you will start to be able to tell the differences in sex in between 6 and 8 weeks.

You babies colors will probably start to get even cooler as they age, most babies are born with less spotting and duller colors than they will have as adults.

If you will want to raise more babies in the future, you  won't want to put adults in the 2 gallon tank. Adult mollies will eat baby mollies as a snack and can clean out twenty babies in just a few minutes.

With any babies you can't keep or find homes for, you can take to your local pet store. They will most likely take them and either pay you or give you store credit. Call them first to see if they will take them, but they most likely will.

Good luck with your babies! I hope everything goes great!
best wishes, chelsey

Well thanx but how many can I keep in a 2 gal.

hey mark,
probably about two or three. If you would rather not breed any more, than you will want to separate the males and females. Also, the mother that gave birth could have up to five more litters while being separated from the male. females can store sperm in their bodies to produce litters of fry later, and can store it for about six months, which could be up to six litters. So, you might end up with a lot of babies!
What I would do is put the male you already have and any males you decide to keep (one or two) in the 2 gallon tank, and keep any females you want to keep in the ten gallon tank. This will prevent future breeding.

for now, i would get a breeder net/ baby saver to keep the male in so he doesnt breed with your female anymore.

good luck with anything, if you have any more questions, ill be here. =]
best wishes, chelsey