Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Neons


23 15:56:25

My neon is being seclusive, granted i did break the rules about not waiting a week or two before introducing my fish to the new aquarium but up until last night it was swimming around normally being chased or chasing the other neon i have. It is the smallest and is keeping to the plants and very bottom. i dont think she's acting like a fish on its way to the toilet but hey, i really dont know enough but am concerned as to why its doing this seeing as how neons are very hard to breed so ive heard and ive had them since sunday. any opinions?
Background info: tank has been set up since sunday, its a ten gallon with a decoration some rocks and a live plant. i have two neons and two platies and have added easy balance and aquasafe to the water prior to adding fish by atleast an hour.

Hi Courtney;

He may just need more time to recover from being moved to a new home. Sometimes fish just don't do very well for unknown reasons too. Look carefully for signs of parasites and other infections just to be sure he's okay. Spots, dots, ragged fins, etc.

You will also want to know about "New Tank Syndrome" and how to help your fish cope with it. You don't want to add any more fish until the 6 to 8 week break-in period has passed and ammonia and nitrite levels rise and then are finally back down to 'zero'. Here is a link to my own web site about it that explains why;

I hope they all do okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins