Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Possible fungal infection and fin rot

Possible fungal infection and fin rot

23 15:59:04

Hello, I am a really desperate owner of 2 baby goldfish which i just got 2 week
ago. Moopy, a black moor, seems to be very sick, he doesnt want to eat, and
stay on the bottom of the tank. I notice fin rot symptom on it's tail. It is
spreading quite fast since i change their tank 2 days ago (had a 1 gallon
bowl, now 3 gallon tank), now moopy has a hole on it's tail. Today I notice his
body scale turn cloudy, and so I was thinking fungal infection. I am so panic,
and bought this multi cure medicine (0.400mg/mL Malachite Green,
4.00mg/mL Methylene Blue, 2.00mg/mL Acriflavine), said to treat white spot,
velvet disease, and fungal diseases for aquarium fishes. i quarantine moopy
into a small fish bowl (just with water, no gravel), put 70% tap water,
moisturized, add about 30% of the water from the tank. put moopy in it, and
drop about 2 drops in the water. I notice the medicine is green coloured.. is it
supposed to be like that? Weird thing is that I always change the water every
2-3 days, and the other goldfish, Timid, seems healthy as usual, he got swim
bladder before, but hes okay now. do i need to put timid into quarantine with
medicine too? or put the medicine into the tank? will timid get the infection
too? i am so scared, i dont want to lose Moopy, he's still a baby! another
questions, how often should i change the quarantine bowl's water, or how to
change the water, should i put 25% of old water (from quarantine bowl or
original tank?) when i change water? and can i feed moopy or not? will he die
from hunger? people tell me to get aquarium salt and put a little bit of it to
the tank to prevent infection, should i do that? will moopy's fin regrow? how
long will the treatment goes? can i get a contact email or AIM/MSN for in
depth question? I am very panic since i am still an amateur. thank you so

Hi Irene;

It's probably not a disease I'm afraid. It's the effects of "New Tank Syndrome" from too small a tank and too many fish for such a new tank. Don't add any medication, it will make them feel worse. Medications, even though they cure diseases, can sting and burn irritated tissues. I don't think it's what they need anyway. Waste toxins are burning and poisoning them because the beneficial bacteria that controls them isn't developed enough yet. Two weeks is about the right time for serious problems to take hold. Make a 25% water change every single day until you can decide what to do next. It will lower the waste toxins and hopefully relieve their symptoms temporarily.

Goldfish actually need at least a ten gallon tank each. Twenty is better. For two, thirty gallons with good filtration is great. Here are some pages about it to help you more, starting with mine about new tanks;

I hope your fish feel better very soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins