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Territorial Problems?

23 16:35:56

Hi i have a 39 gallon freshwater tank with 1 male betta, 3 dwarf platies(one of which is not doing well), and 1 male dwarf gourami. They have all been fine until today when i added 2 more male dwarf gouramis. My original gourami started nipping at the newcomers and so i removed him and set him in my 7 gallon tank. I rearranged the decorations and placed him back in. Now he dances around the other male gouramis and they start fighting. I don't want them to get hurt or be unhappy but i also would rather not take any of them back. What should i do? Any information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! Allie

Hi Allie
I've always read, over the years, and in more reliable places, not to mix gouramis and bettas together, they will most likely fight.  I've also read(and learned from personal experience)not to have more then 1 gourami in a tank, they'll also fight.  Dwarf gouramis are becoming more popular now, and I've also, they tend to be more peaceful and tolerant of each other, but I'm starting to hear a lot more stories of the dwarf varieties being territorial and fighting like the regular gouramis.

Now, those "rules" like any other don't always hold true-some weird combos can work out now and then(like your betta and gouramis), it mainly comes down to the personality of the individual fish.  In your case, I think you'd probably be best moving the two new gouramis or the one "mean" one to their own tank, or unfortunately taking them back.  The one in the 7 gallon should be fine in that size tank as long as it's not stocked already with other fish.  Otherwise, he'll most likely kill the new ones you've added.  There's really no way to cut down on their territorial/aggressive behaviour other then rehoming them.

Good luck and hope it works out!
