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Cloudy Water (smoky looking)

25 9:06:42

I set the tank up in June....waited to add fish.....lost a few  these two have been fine for about a month...they seem very healthy and happy..but the water is always smoky ....Amonia is not the issue becasue i check it very two days.....ands its never more than .025 ..mostly at algea bloomk could be it...but i thought that would be green or brown..this is smoky ,,or mily cloudiness....The only get the light for a few hours after work....then dark till dawn.....but id like clearer water....just tested everything again and it was all fine....


Followup To

Question -

I have a 10 gallon (acrylic) AquaClear tank..with
2 goldfish....One smaller black moor ( 1.5 in) and one slightly bigger calico type . I test the water every few days,,,ph is always above 7 and if my Ammonia is not 0 I uses these fizzing Ammonia Clear tabs (like alka-seltzer for fish) and it comes right back to 0. I do partial changes don't overfeed etc.  I recently got a cascade over the back filter and bigger than the one that came with the starter set and all was wel
my tank was crystal for a few days,,then it clouded up aand I noticed a white slime in the cascade of the filter....The guy at Petco assured me if I used Aqua Clear it would clear  right up and it did for like a day..but went cloudy shortly after that..the fish seem fine and I do partial changes so I can see them....did nitrate test and it was i continue with the  changes and the water tabs with (helpful bacteria)..thing is my water is now ALways smoky looking. I havea flourescent cool bulb and had backing all wround the sides and back for decoration,,,no i just have it on the back as to let more natural light in.  I have the tank under a huge palm plant does that matter...Please help i have now put hundreds of bucks into these guys to no avail...and I kinda like em now ..and dont want to lose em...what is going on here? -)

Ps please dont tell me to get rid of one the seem to enjoy each other ...the black one follows the orange one all over

Answer -
Before I can fully help you with finding a solution I need a bit more information... how old is your aquarium? Goldfish produce more ammonia in their waste however from what you have told me your filter system should be able to take care of that for you. Stop using all the various chemicals...this is not good for your tank. The cloudiness frequently is caused from an ammonia bloom or algae bloom. How long is your light on? Your fish should be getting a day and night cycle as they need this just like we do to be happy. The white slime you mentioned is just part of the biological filtration with they type of filter you have, so it is not causing any harm aside from being an eyesore. Make sure when you feed your goldfish they are eating most of the food with little going to the bottom. If your tank is still kind of new it could simply be just cycling....and should correct itself over time. It can take a tank almost 2 months to cycle. 10 gallons are a bit more touchy with the water chemistry but you are monitoring your water conditions which is very important. You can also cut back on the amount of time in which your fish get light, this can sometimes also help clear up the cloudiness. If there is anything more I can help you with feel free to email again!! Good luck and happy fish keeping!!

Being you are so vigilant on maintaining your water condition I would lean toward it being an algae bloom. I had the same problem quite some time ago and learned this could be the issue but I to thought it would be green etc. if it was an algae bloom. The aqua clear you were told to use is only a temporary fix as you have discovered. I think your best bet at this point is to eliminate the various chemicals you have been using to fix the clarity of your water and limit their light to about 6 hours and see if that improves the clarity, it will take a bit of time. Also, the type of light bulb you may could be causing the bloom of algae if it promotes plant growth. If it is the light that came with the tank you will have no real way of knowing if the bulb assists in plant growth. I would try the light limitation first and see you if you get an improvement. Another thing could be the brand of food you are using. I know it sounds crazy but it is true. I have found Wardley fish food occasionally can cause the type of cloudiness you have-something to keep in mind. I personally prefer Hikari pellet & flake foods. Tetra has worked well too. I hope with the both of us addressing your problem we will be able to improve your clarity. Keep up the great work with your tank!!!