Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Blood Parrot Cichlid UPSIDE DOWN for a WEEK!!

Blood Parrot Cichlid UPSIDE DOWN for a WEEK!!

23 15:41:05

I have 4 adult Blood Parrot cichlids who are approx 5 yrs old.  Over the past week, one of my females has been swimming/resting upside down.  She rights herself up to come eat, her coloring is very good and she is moving around the tank.  I know that BP's have swim bladder problems, and all my fish are fed peas on a weekly basis to help keep them regular.
I have stopped feeding the BP's flake/pellet foods after the second day of Karen swimming this way.  They have been given only defrosted krill, live red wigglers and peas, but still she is having problems swimming upright.

I have added aquarium salt to the tank (65 gal tank, add 1 tablespoon for every 10 gals per instructions on container), I have done 2 30% partial water changes in the past week (usually do at least one of 30% a week, but with all the fresh food, we have had a high waste output).  I also checked and replaced filter media in both 60 gal hanging filters (one 2nd day after the water changes). The water readings are good (0 ammonia/0 nitrates/20 nitrites and ph at 7.6 per Master kit results this morning before adding aquarium salt with top off water) and tank temp is 80.

I think I read something online about giving an epson salt bath to aid with constipation/elimination so swim bladder isn't compressed.  But I am unsure about applying this technique without some expert advice on doing so.  I do not want to cause her anymore discomfort than she is already going through.  Yet I am afraid that my little girl (well she's only 6in) isn't going to get any better.

She has a habit of swimming crazy (sideways, upside down) around the tank, and I have been aware of the swim bladder deformities that effect the Blood Parrot due to their breeding.  But we have never seen her stay upside down in the top corner of the tank like this or for this long!

Please help me help my Karen.  She has really become such a wonderful part of our family of fish, and we just don't know what else to do.

Hi Marcie

I recently stopped answering questions regarding fish diseases and ailments due to so many people leaving out specific details. It simply became too difficult and time consuming for me to try to diagnose the problem over the internet.

However, I have Blood Parrots also and have kept the same pair for several years. A few years ago, one of mine developed the same symptoms that yours is experiencing, though mine was never at the top of the tank. She was nose dived in plants, laying on her side on the bottom, and laying on the bottom rested against a rock or log. She also had good color and would swim up to eat, then right back to the bottom of the tank. Other than laying on the bottom of the tank, she had no physical signs of disease or infection whatsoever. I am certain in my case it was a bacterial infection, rather than constipation or swim bladder.

I did a 50% water change, then treated the tank with Pimafix for 7 days as instructed on the bottle. Then I did another 50% water change and changed out the cartridges in my filters. Before the end of the 7 day treatment, she was back to normal. Pimafix is safe for all fish, and treats a wide range of internal and external infections. It is available at Petsmart, Petco, Walmart and pretty much anywhere that sells tropical fish supplies.

Both of my Blood Parrots are still happy and healthy today, and I haven't had any health issues with either of them since.

One final note I would like to add is.... I know aquarium salt can relieve stress in tropical fish, but rarely will it treat or cure any ailments, despite what you may have heard or read. If your fish are not used to salt in their water, it is a good idea to only use half the dose recommended when using it to relieve their symptoms. I never use salt in any of my tanks anymore and haven't for quite sometime now. I'm not faulting you for anything here, just giving you the benefit of my experience.

I hope this information is helpful to you and your Karen gets better soon. Good luck!
