Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > pregnent albino channel cat

pregnent albino channel cat

23 15:25:48

how can you tell if an albino channel cat is pregnent? and how do i go about preping the tank or a different tank? i have no clue what to do about baby cat fish

Hi Cory,
The problem here is oftentimes, catfish are commonly just 'fat' from a good diet. Its simply part of their physical appearance. So your Channel cat may or may not be pregnant with eggs. But she may just be eating well. Which is good. You don't want skinny catfish afterall.

There is actually little known about spawning Channel cats in the aquarium. Usually temperature variations due to seasonal changes like springtime from winter are often triggors for spawning. The male channel catfish actually builds a nest for the eggs! This consists of a cleaned out rocky or driftwood cave or a deep dug out bowl in the ground.

Baby channel cats in the aquarium are rare. So I don't feel you have a need to worry. :-)

I hope this helps and best of luck!
Happy new year!