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New Swordtail

23 16:22:55

Hi Dave,

It turns out the guy at Petco sold me a platy and a male swordtail.  I must say though, it is partly my fault, because I didn't pay enough attention to the fish he gave me.  Anyway,  I just went to our local pet store and purchased a female swordtail (for sure, I checked this time.) Also, I noticed she is...bigger than most swordtails, and I also noticed a gravid spot.  She isnt "Squaring up" yet, she just looks big.  I don't really want to put her in the breeder box yet, because she is stressed enough right now in her new tank.  So I bunched up about three plants (one live, three fake, I only have one live plant in the whole thing) so that she has a place to hide, and if she gives birth before I put her in the breeder box, the fry have a place to hide.  Anyway, if you were to guess at this information, how long do you think until she would give birth?  She is swimming sortof slow right now, and is kinda just hanging out by the plants (Now, I dont know if this is because of the new tank, or pregnancy.) And when do you think I should put her in the breeder box?



Hi Bekah: stress in liver bearers usually brings on birth so she could be having them anytime or maybe a couple of weeks... hard to say for sure.... put her in the breeding box if she starts acting different... its hard to say with a new fish.... dave