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Clown loaches are dying

23 15:42:41

Hi Michael--
I've been keeping fish for about three years now. I have a 30 gallon community tank that has recently housed 2 adult angels, 3 juvinile angels, and 4 new clown loaches.  Tank parameters are great, no problem there. All of the angels are doing great.

I picked up the 4 clowns from a trusted LFS about a week and a half ago, and they seemed to be in great shape.  Color was great, fins fine, poop normal, active fish, breathing fine, etc.  Within a few days, they began to act differently--not really eating, hiding often, laying stiff on their side like they're dead then suddenly acting fine (almost like they're seizing).  My first one died about 3 days ago. The baffling thing is that he seemed totally fine! No external parasites, no signs of bacterial infection, great fins and color, etc.  Besides the strange behavior, I noticed his eyes turned completely black about a day before he died. I had my second one die tonight, and I expect the other two to go soon.

When I first saw them acting funny, I raised the temparature in the tank to 88-90, added a little extra salt, and started using Melafix and Pimafix to try and curb anything that might be causing their distress (I not to use traditional antibiotics/antifungals unless I know exactly what's going on).  I have no clue what is killing these fish. Thanks for any insight you might be able to give.


PS- I know you'll probably find this to be really random, but do you happen to play trombone?  You happen to share a name with one of the best orchestral trombonists of all time, fyi :)

Hello Jenn,

to start with yes i do. Chicago Symphony Orchestra trombonist Michael Mulcahy. and also Did you raise the temp of the tank only by 1 degree per hour? in not this can add alot of extra stress on the fish with that vast of temp change. I would do a full water test on your tank and see if there is to much cloriene or other harmfull minerals in your water EVEN if it is bottle or jug water.

Please get back to me soon so I can help you further.