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cloudy tank with no fish

23 16:46:58

Hi i have a ten gallon tank with a light, 3 filters, heater, no fish, and a problem I had a white socolofi fully aggressive fish and a yellow lab somthing fish fully aggressive also and they both died the temp was 86 when it was set to 82 and their was tons of oxygen in the tank and they were dead and i cleaned the entire tank out twice and took out all of the water both times and it is still cloudy what should i do i have used all the water products in the world and it won't go away help help help

The reason the fish died is that these fish need at least 30 gallons for them.  Do not use any water products, only dechlorinator.  If you have a fully established filter, the water should clear on it's own.  If the cloudy water is green, it is an algae bloom, and all you would have to do is have the light off and the tank covered for a couple days.  If it was white, it is most likely a bacterial bloom, which is a good thing, and should clear up within a few days.