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help needed !

23 15:55:11

I am new to all this fish! I inherited a beautiful built in tank when we moved into our new home.I have cleaned and sorted out the filter and have learnt about cleaning and maintaining but I have a problem with the fish.It had 3 x neons 1 x catfish/loach? and a mystery fish that we are now fairly sure is a Yoyo loach.Trouble is we introduced 3 x pretty little male guppies and within a few hours after their intro 2 x guppies and 1 x neon have disappeared.There is no sign of them and its been several days.The yoyo fish is much bigger and I wondered if either the yoyo fish or catfish could have eaten them.I really would like to introduce more guppies as I know they are happier in groups but dont want to risk the same thing happening.Can you help solve this mystery P L E A S E!!! lol. Thanks loads....Diane

Hi Diane,

It is highly unlikely that your catfish or loach has eaten the guppies and the Neon Tetra. All the fish you mentioned are peaceful community fish. The most likely cause is that they died, for whatever reason (poor water quality), and their dead bodies either got sucked into the filter, eaten by other fish, or is still behind ornaments or plants. Take a careful look behind any plants and ornaments, and you may discover the body still there. Also, snails will consume the bodies of dead fish.

Please read this link for more info on how to keep fish for beginners:
(You can never learn TOO much!)

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!