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PH test strip reading...

23 16:52:53

I used the Jungle quick dip strips in my 10 gallon and the Nitrate was way too high. what is the cause of this and how do i get rid of it.


Hi Katie

Too high of nitrates can be a few different things.  Not doing enough water changes is usually the number one reason.  Also, test your tap water/water source.  Some people have nitrates show up there as well.  One thing I've always heard, the dropper test kits are more accurate then the dip strips.  I had a few of the test strips left, and was going to use them up before buying the 30.00 dropper kit.  I found out that my test strips were way off on the ph levels, so I'll have to agree that the dropper kits are better.

To fix your problem, do a 50% water change.  That should help.  Then, get on a schedule of changing 25% of the water/gravel vacuum once a week.  That's the best way to keep the water parameters in check.  Be sure to try to keep your nitrates under 20 ppm-ideally.  Some say up to 40 ppm is ok.  Definitely don't want it to be over that.

Plants are also supposed to help with nitrates as well.  It's not a solution to get out of doing regular water changes though.  And, you need to get into fertilizers and special lighting.  You could try some java moss though.  I just bought some on ebay got it today, that's supposedly is able to grow in pretty much any lighting condition.  I'm just starting out with plants, and from what I've read that's probably the easiest and most heartiest (maybe even foolproof?) to grow.

Hope that helps, and good luck with your nitrates!!
