Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > apple snail help!!!!!!!!!

apple snail help!!!!!!!!!

23 15:26:54

QUESTION: i have a 60 gallon aquarium, three golden apple snails and three iridescent catfish and in the aquarium, i have a sponge filter. two of my apple snails breaded and now it just laid the clutch on the cover of the tank. my questions are:

1: do i need to remove any of the fish or the snails?
2: will the sponge filter suck any of the baby snails when they hatch?
3: do i have to test for copper or any thing else?
4: what should i feed them?

ANSWER: Most, if not all, fish will eat snail eggs if they can reach them. The sponge filter should not suck any in. Just keep an eye on the filter to make sure it's ok. Just test for all the same things you test for the fish. You will know when there is a problem with the water if you see all the snails at the water line.
You can feed them lettuce leaves dipped in boiling water to soften them.

Or to get them to grow faster make "snail jello". You can find several recipes online or make your own custom recipe, here is one below.....

1 can of baby food (4-6 oz)
1 tsp+ fish food (may be omitted)
Calcium/vitamin supplements (I use 1tsp Jurassi-reptical powder w/out phosphorus)
1 packet (= 1 tablespoon) unflavored gelatin

Open the baby food and pour it into a small bowl. Heat the baby food in the microwave for 60 seconds (caution, it will be very hot).

Stir in the unflavored gelatin (add it slowly to avoid unsightly clumps of gelatin; don't use a blender or you risk creating air bubbles that will make it float) crushing any lumps with the back of a spoon.

Add calcium supplements and vitamins if you have/want them. Stir thoroughly.

Pour this mixture into a dish with a flat bottom (tupperware-type containers work well; if you are doubling or tripling this recipe, you might consider a pie pan).* Fold in your fish food(s) if you are adding any.

Refrigerate for several hours, then return and cut into cubes.

One jar of baby food yields a good handful of snail treats. Keep them refrigerated until serving. These sink and hold up pretty well in the tank, but as with any food, large uneaten portions should be removed after the snails have finished. These can be frozen for up to a month.

*You can use an ice cube tray to create big treats for a tank full of snails. No slicing is needed in this case.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks alot.

If I take out the fish, should I keep them out for ever or until the baby snails grow up or what?
How many of the baby snails live anyway?
Do sucker catfish eat baby snail?
Do gold apple snails eat their young? (they lay the egg clutch above the water)
do apple snails bread with their siblings? (brother with sister

No, you just have to keep fish away from the eggs. Once hatched, they should be ok. Just make sure they are not with fish that eat snails.
As long as the water is kept clean, most will survive.
The catfish should not eat them, but that is not a rule. Some will eat them some will not.
No they do not eat their young.
If you are not careful you will get over run with snails. If that happens, just put some lettuce at the bottom of the tank at night and when you get up, the snails will be on the lettuce and then you can remove if you don't want a huge population of snails.