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discus photos

23 15:40:01

Sorry about photos, will try to post as soon as possible. And thanks for the weblink!!
I have an other question, the remaning discus fish that I have has been looking for the dead one. She,(we reckon that Bandit is female now )is hidding at the back of the tank and only comming out to eat. This isn't like her at all and we put up a mirror for her and she seems to be happier as she playes with the reflection. Is this a good idea?
I don't have the money for more at the moment but am saving up and should get some more in November.
Is it lonelyness???


  Yes that is ok to do. Discus need to be in groups of at least 5, or they are not happy. Letting her think there are more in the tank is good to do. I would move the mirror around the tank so that she doesn't "figure" out that it is not another fish. The sooner you can get more the better of the remaining fish will be. Good luck with the fish.