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Fat fish and sand

23 15:57:41

Hello, how are you doing today? I'm sure you're tired of me bugging you buy now, but my tank is an important investment to me. There are a few things I want to ask. I think my glofish are either getting really fat or theres something wrong with them. When they swim under the light their stomachs show right through their skin as big dark blobs. I fed them some peas, but I want to know if I should be concerned. Their scales are perfectly fine and everything, but when you look close you can really see whats in their buldging bellys!
And I'm going to get at least one of the pitbull plecos, and because of this I'm going to replace the cheap aquarium gravel I have in there with some nice white sand and add some driftwood. I know you said I should only get one pitbull pleco, but all the research I've done said they're group fish and don't do well alone. What kind of sand should I get and how much? The white colored sand will help bring out the color in the glofish. I also have these really cheap fake plants in there I'm thinking about removing when I replace the gravel, but live plants just arent reasoable in my situation. Would my fish be okay and happy with just the driftwood and ornament? I plan on doing the rock thing every now and then for the plecos, letting the algae grow on a rock and put it in there, but the plants are just an eyesore most of the time. If I need some nice fake plants, where do you think I should get them and what kind. The walmart decor just isnt working for me.
I really want to spoil my fish because I can't have any other pets, but I do have limitations on the size of the tank. The sand would be great for the pitbull pleco wouldnt it? My questions are very erratic and I'm sorry, but I can never remember it all at once. Also, with the sand, how would that reflect the fishs' waste? would it just become part of the sand or would it build up and become nasty? (and I took out the bacon two minutes after I put it in anyway just to say. That isn't why little trish died)For the traveling I might just have to improvise using my small 1.5 gallon tank for the road. It's small enough to keep on my lap and they'll do okay in there. I keep coming to you because you're really helpful, and I hope I'm not bothering you.


Hi Kelley,

I'll try to make this answer as clear as possible, as always. If I missed a question in the forest of questions you have there, please send me another message.

1) How am I doing today: Very good, thanks.
2) They may be eggnant, the egglayer version of 'pregnant'. If the scales are parallel to the body, and you see no signs of disease, it's nothing to worry about.
3)Plecos are fine by themselves. In fact, many species of Plecos may become aggresive towards another when older. I would only recommend getting one, because the beneficial bacteria probably couldn't stand up to more load. Remember to feed them Algae Wafers/veggies!
4)In MY opinion, I wouldn't get sand, because any smooth-edged gravel is fine. Algae actually grows much better on gravel, and will provide a better supply of food. Any sand should be fine, just not sandbox sand... try and get aquarium-designated sand.
5)Yes, your fish will be happy with the driftwood. If the ornament is one of those funky childish pink/bright colored bubbly ones, forget it, but if it's a nice, natural-looking ornament, your fish will be happy with it.
6)Try getting plastic/silk plants at Petco or PetSmart. Their website will tell you the nearest location. Make sure the plastic plants don't have sharp edges, when in doubt, buy silk plants. Any plant will work fine, it's just a matter of personal preference.
7) Sand won't become nasty unless you forget those weekly cleanings!
8)Don't worry, you're not bothering me. The things that DO bother me are silly questions like 'Can I put 10 goldfish into a 1 gallon bowl?'

I'm happy to hear that my answers are very helpful!

Good Luck, and Happy Fishkeeping!