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molly EGGS!!!

23 17:00:33


IT'S ME AGAIN .THANKS FOR ANSWERING MY LAST QUESTION WHICH IS ON 10/10/06.THE BABY FRY IS quite BIG NOW. OH... BYE THE WAY I BOUGHT 1 MORE BALLOON MOLLIES THE PAST FEW DAYS AND TODAY IT DELIVERED .IT DELIVERED ABOUT 35 FRY(WOW).then i spotted 4 eggs.i realize it was the molly eggs.the question is will the eggs be a fry eventhough it is not in his/her mother's belly.That's it for now.I hope u can answer my question although it is quite complicated to understand.  

Hey Ash!
Nah, I understand perfectly.

Mostly, it depends on the eggs. Mollies do sometimes lay eggs with their litters, especially a big litter like yours (this one time, I had a molly that had 50 babies!! THAT was really crazy!), but they normally don't hatch.

If you look into the eggs, and they have a baby molly in them, then I would keep them in there. If the eggs are empty, then the egg simply wasn't fertalized and never developed. It is also possible that the babies are dead in the eggs, and that they were miscarriaged. This and stillborn babies happen sometimes.

I have had some eggs hatch and have babies grow up to be happy and healthy, but it doesn't happen often. You can probably see if the babies are moving in the eggs. They will be about the same size as the ones swimming around, and could even be making the egg bounce up and down (it's pretty funny looking when this happens).

It's your call. You can keep them in there and see if anything happens, and if it doesn't then just net them out.

I'm so happy that your babies are doing well! Keep up the good work! Hopefully this litter grows up just as nicely as your last litter. =]
Good luck with the babies!
best wishes,
<>< Chelsey