Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > beneficial bacteria follow-up

beneficial bacteria follow-up

25 9:21:03

This is a follow up to my question from last week about the break-in cycle of my tank.  The accumulation of white bacteria on the walls of my tank is finally beginning to reduce, and appear clearer, however similar white spots are now appearing one my fish (tinfoil barbs).  Is this simply the bacteria adhearing to the fish's slime coating, or is this a case of ick?  And how would I tell the difference?

Hi Christina;

It could be skin irritation from toxins. Are they patches or more like salt-speck looking dots? If patches, it is irritation or infection. The beneficial bacteria doesn't cling to the fish. If it is salt specks, you have a case of ich.

Make a 25% water change and add some aquarium salt until we can figure out for sure what's going on. One-half teaspoon of uniodized pure salt per gallon of water is an excellent therapeutic dose for helping fish no matter what ails them. It makes their slime coat increase to fight off infection and kills and weakens harmful things causing infection.

Followups welcome

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins

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