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My green spotted puffers and my albino clawed frog

23 16:36:04

I have a tank with a algae eater and a albino clawed frog in it and tonight I decided to get 3 freshwater green spotted puffer to put in my tank. I have a tank for my frog but since the big tank was only being used by my algae eater I figured what the heck. So...I put my puffers in and about 30 minutes later (after they were feed) I went to my tank to make sure everyone was playing nice and to my surprise my frog was floating at the top of the tank with what seems to be a air bubble in his back. And to top it off my puffers were still attacking him! I did switch him to his own tank but he's still ballooned up and I fear he won't make it. They also are nipping at my algae eater. My question is what is the deal with my frogs reaction to their bite and if you could be so kind as to brief me on my aggresive puffers. Please Help!!!!

Hi Chastity;

Puffers bites are not poisonous so I really don't know what could be wrong with your frog. Puffers are very cute but they can indeed be very aggressive little fellas. They are simply doing what comes natural to them. They have very sharp little teeth designed to crunch coral, shells and bones. Once they eliminate their tankmates they may start going after each other too. You didn't mention what size tank you have but if it's large enough you could provide plenty of plants and other hiding places so they have visual barriers and aren't so aggressive to one another.

Here is a web page about two varieties of green spotted puffers. Look at the photos and descriptions so you know which one yours are. I know the store probably told you they are freshwater puffers, but they may be mistaken. It is important to know. One spotted variety is fhreshwater, the other is not. Also, one gets about 6 inches, the other about 3.

I hope all goes well...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins