Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Can I feed other foods to my barbs?

Can I feed other foods to my barbs?

23 16:21:14

Hey David-

I have 5 barbs.  I was wondering if I could use up some of my Goldfish (TetraFin Goldfish flakes) food up on my barbs.  Also I was told that canned vegetables can be really healthy for tropical fish.  Is that true?  Is that true to barbs?  If so, which kinds of vegetables and what brands?  Also- In the spirit of using up some extra food, I was wondering if they would eat Ciclid Gold floating pellets (Hikari brand).  I have some extra of those and it says on the container that it works for chiclids as well as other tropical fish.

Let me know what is best.


Hi Greg:  Yes you can feed your barbs goldfish and cichlid food for a short while... but keep in mind that this food was formulated for goldfish which have different needs then your barbs.  Some tropical fish including Barbs enjoy green food such as a treat but if you feed them spinach or some other green leaf... cut it up small and remove it after about ten minutes in the tank or it will foul your water.  Frozen green peas (thawed) are also a treat for fish... I wouldn't feed them anything that came out of a can... hope this helps... dave