Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > wound on left side towards rear

wound on left side towards rear

23 16:09:06

Hi Karen,
   I have a 60 gallon tank containing three iredescent shark fish, one tricolor shark fish, and one algae eater.
All the fish are several years old. The problem is with one of the iredescents.  I noticed, two days ago, that
he has what looks like a puncture wound on wound on his left rear side.  Can you please tell me if there is any medication I can add to the tank.  Thank you very much for any help you can provide.

Hi Karl,
I'm sorry to hear that. Likely either the other fish did that to the ID shark or he self inflicted the wound by thashing about the tank and ramming himself into decorations. ID sharks are prone to getting spooked easily and usually go into a panic. You may already know this but try to make sure to not have any sharp or rough decorations in the tank. They say it helps also to line the sides of the tank with plastic plants to help prevent fish from charging into the sides and eventually scarring their nose.

Otherwise, his puncture wound just need really clean water (it wouldn't hurt to increase the water changes more than normal) and a good diet high in vitamins and he will recover just fine.

I hope this helps and best of luck!