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Sailfin Mollys

25 9:22:13

HI thanks for the Q&A'S !!

My Q is I bought a pair of females and 1 large
Sail fin Male Mollie, (they are pearl and silver all three,) i was wondering If Mollies Ate there young? I also have a tank with balloon mollies
I would like to try raising them, but I bought a breeding Basket in case they do eat them BUT
I was told they are nice to there fry? SO is this true.. I dont want to be sorry if they do so i need to know when to seperate the females in the basket..Thanks so much  Warmest regards Brenda

Hello Brenda,

Yes, most fish eat their fry, including mollys. There are very few fish that will actually raise their fry. Most fish, once, they give birth, let their young raise themselves.

Once your female's abodomen is bulging, put in the breeding basket and wait. It could take her several hours to have all of her fry. I always leave the mother in the basket for 12 hours to be sure she's done. Remove her and once the babies are about 1/4 inch long, you can let them out too.

I hope this helps some,