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Co2-fizz tabs

23 16:57:52

I'm researching setting up a planted tank...just curious what you think about using the fizzy CO2 tablets.  They are much cheaper.  Are they effective?
(my tank is 25 gal.)
Here is a picture and description of the system:



That unit is not very economical if you look at the long term ( I am assuming it even works because I could not find too much info on it ). The yearly costs look like this:

Per the Fizz Tabs directions, a heavily planted 30 gallon tank would use one Fizz Tab per day. The directions give an amount to use based on the gallon size of the tank and whether the tank is lightly or heavily planted. Lightly
planted tanks use less vs. heavily planted tanks, and larger volume tanks use more vs. lower volume tanks.

Retail and mail order costs for a year of operation for a heavily planted 30 gallon tank:
Retail (PetSmart)
CO2 Fizz factory                                                              
Fizz Tabs (16 count) $7.99. 24 packs neede for a year's
  operation @ 1 tab per day. $7.99 x 24 = $191.76                   191.76
    tax:      14.82
  total:   $226.57

Mail Order (Pet Warehouse):
CO2 Fizz Factory                                                              
Fizz Tabs for a year $4.59 each. Same as above.
 $4.59 x 24 = $110.16                                                        
Shipping/handling. Maybe 2 orders a year for replacement
Fizz Tabs? 2 x $6.99 = $13.98                                                 
   total:  $140.13

This is a lot to spend just to keep up a Co2 system.

Are you really sure you need a Co2 system? They are not required unless you have really powerful lights. I would try to go without Co2 for awhile while you research bottled Co2 systems, which are MUCH cheaper after the initial investment in equipment.
