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Substrate -Play Sand-

23 16:32:49

(Technical Info at the bottom)

I recently setup a new tank for Goldfish, I decided it was time for a change and used Playsand for this new tank, I throughly cleaned the playsand until water came crystal clear, this was not very hard, however when i put it into the aquarium and added the water i did got some cloudiness, I thought it would settle, so i had to change my water, now the tank water is clear, but i am afraid that it would become cloudy again at the slightest movement. My questions are:

1-Is Playsand safe for Goldfish?
2- What technique do you recommend to syphon the sand for debris in the regular cleaning session?
3- Does Playsand affect the PH in any serious way?
4- What PH and Hardiness is acceptable for Goldfish?

Tank: 30 galls
Current PH: 7.8
Hardness(GH): 230 ppm
Alcalinity 180 ppm

I would have to know the make up of the play sand.
I usually use beach sand for sand substrates.
There are two ways to clean the sand, one, use a dip tube, or just stir up the top layer and let the filter pick up the debris.
To use a gravel vac would no doubt suck up all the sand.
PH and hardness are fine for goldfish at this point.
Also, after a while the sand becomes packed down and most debris settles on top of it.
Be careful of dead spots, you will know if the sand starts to turn black in places.
If you have other concerns, feel free to ask.