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Did i mess up

23 16:06:08

I just switched my 30 gallon hex tank in the last few months to a mixed malawi tank. The more research i do the more i am concerned. I realize this is small and not ideal. I have 6 fish in there ( 2 kenyi, 1 acei, 1 bumblee, 1 aurateus, 1 calico zebra ) they are all young 1.5 to 2.5 inches. Is this harming them? Can they live in there for a while ? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

Keep them fed well.  Eventually they will need a larger tank such as a 55 gallon long or even a 75 gallon tank.  The problem with the hex is that its surface areas are too close together.  If the fish have a lot of hiding spots and the tank is set up so that they have their own space you may get away with keeping them in there for a couple of more month.  A 30 gallon hex would be ideal for a mated pair but nothing more.  dave