Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Is Algae mandatory for a well balanced tank?

Is Algae mandatory for a well balanced tank?

25 9:15:48

Hi again, I would like to know is it mandatory to produce Algae in my tank to keep it Cycled and well balanced?
- Rifght now I have no(visible) Algae, even though I know it's  in there, I see a tiny bit on my the Plant leaves that have grown toward the light, everything in my tank seems like it Exploded, everyting is sprouting new leaves and the leaves on the original plants are growing every day, **Should I purchase a stonger bulb or buy another light with two strips? right now, I"m still using the Flouresent light that came with the hood, it is 32 watts, My Pet suppliers, said it's not stong enough to make Java Moss grow and I need to buy a stonger light  with full spectrum, but they're like Mechahnics,, they're always trying to  sell me something.. I was standing next to a lady today, and she was asking them how do they keep their water so clear, because her water is always cloudy, I still remember asking them that same question, and they also sold me a bunch of useless chemicals that day, so I pulled her over and tried to teach her about water, she opted for their easy advice and spent a bunch of money on chemicals, Hah! she'll learn ONE-DAY! after she's broke or after she breaks the glass on her tank, on top of that she bought about 5 gold fishes(Arandas heads)no wonder her tank is always so cloudy..
Anyway ..back to me, what do think about my Algae question, and should I up the wattage on my hood, because I know how to produce Algae, if need be, I just hate controlling it and scrubbing all the time, and algae eaters and plecos will only eat so much....
Hope to hear from you soon..................Tony

Hello Tony,
Oh--petstore people. Java Moss doesn't need strong light!
It'll do fine in your 32 watts. In fact, it'll thrive and grow beautifully in your aquarium.

*No, it's not madatory to produce algae for a healthy aquarium. Most aquariums have a tiny bit of algae growing we may not even be able to see, like behind a rock or growing on the back of a rock. A good and healthy aquarium is easily maintained without algae but you can hardly find healthy aquariums without some bit of good green algae growing on the driftwood, rocks or perhaps even a little on the plant leaves.

~I suppose it's their job to sell things. But petstores should not advise lots of unecessary chemicals especially when they are being used toward live animals whom are going to be adversely affected by them. No matter how safe the chemical will claim it is (it's a good way to sell!) all chemicals and even medications all put some osmotic stress on a fish.  When it comes to live creatures, they should always get the best possible care even if it means not getting a profit every minute...
And how terrible it is that fish have to be subject to stressful chemicals due to mis-information by petstores or other reasons when healthy water changes were the best and simplest way.

Tony, don't worry about Algae, it will be there. I certainly wouldn't encourage it. Your live plants will appreciate not having to compete with algae.

I hope this helps! Feel free to write anytime.
Best wishes as always,