Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > seam split on my 90 gal tank

seam split on my 90 gal tank

25 9:15:48

when i filled my 90 gallon tank to check it for leaks the next day the water level drop 6 inches that's when i noticed the seam on one end split along with the top plastic peace. is there anywhere i can get a new top brace or do i just throw the tank away please try to help me with this propblem.

Dear Tom, I apologize for getting to you so late. It's been pretty busy here...

Please correct me if i'm wrong but you meant the seam by the silicone sealant where the front/back and end panels are joined together? And with the top frame? I'm sorry for the confusion. Or the top silicone sealant along the top frame of the aquarium? With Glass aquariums there isn't a lot of you can do to repair any large cracks to restore the aquarium to it's original strength and it's much safer to completely break the tank down and replace the entire affected pane. Now the only exception to this would be if you do indeed have a leak near the top. Since there is less pressure there, it is generally easier to repair. If the crack is certainly near the top you might be able to pull the smaller piece off and glue it back in place with a 100% silicone sealant. Proper leak repairs can be very difficult. And I have little experience with having to repair aquariums (thank goodness) but I have found this excellent article on repairing aquariums from a trusted source-

Well, I really hope this helps! Feel free to write if you have anymore concerns.

I wish you the very best with your tank repair and really hope you can get it fixed!

Best wishes and Happy fishkeeping!