Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Male Betta stopped blowing bubbles

Male Betta stopped blowing bubbles

23 15:57:48

I have a male split tail Betta that I had planned on breeding. He is in a 10 gallon tank with 5 ghost shrimp, a rubber lipped pleco, and a black mystery snail. I am using a sponge filter and keep the water temp between 80-82.
I have in the past had a similar set up with the same species (minus the snail) and had great success in breeding.  My little male betta created several bubble nest when I first got him several months ago. After the last water change several weeks ago he stopped making them. I have a Styrofoam cup in his tank, and from time to time he will blow a small nest, but it either dissipates on its own or he destroys it.  Yesterday I floated the female in a small Betta container and he became very excited, was flaring and blowing bubbles like mad. When I got up this morning I was surprised to see that there is no bubble nest.  I am wondering why he is no longer making good bubble nests.

Hi Kay,

Your Betta might be stressed, and that, in my opinion, may be the most likely cause of the reluctance to blow a bubble nest. Try changing 10% of the water every day, and make sure that he gets his food every day.

You mentioned that the last water change was several weeks ago? Water must be changed every week, to keep the quality of the water, and to prevent any toxic chemical buildup. Changing 20% of the water every week is ideal.

Try doing the daily changes (10%), and see if he blows bubble nests. Also, feeding him a varied diet of live/frozen/freeze-dried foods may help. If he still doesn't blow a bubble nest, then there's not much you can do; the bubble nests depend on the individual fish's behavior and traits. Bettas live for about 2-3 years.

Good Luck, and best wishes to your Betta!