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Gourami Plant Compatibility

25 9:12:06

I am planning to start a hardwater (10 degree), 7.2 PH, fifty gallon fishtank with general gouramis (exact species undecided). Could you please advise me on what aqarium plants I should place in the tank in order for them to survive and flourish, as well as not get eaten by the Gouramis? Please, if possible, specify the exact species. Thanks!

Dear Serga,
Fortunately there is a wide range of aquatic plants that are highly suitable for this setup. Most Gourami species (with the exception of the Giant Gourami 'Osphornemus gourami or 'Osphornemus laticlavius') All do well in planted aquariums and will certainly do much better in an aquatic garden than in a bare or lightly planted tank.

Your water is rather good for many plants because it is neither too hard nor too soft. Depending upon your lighting level, stem bunch plants like Anacharis, Red Ludwigia, most Cryptocornye species like C. Crispulata, and the floating species like Hornwort, or Salvinia auriculata makes a brilliant display as some of the hardier types of plants. This group also includes Java Fern, Windlov fern (a variety of Java Fern), Bacopa monnieri, And moderately easy to grow plants like Amazon Sword (echinodorus major), Nymphea Lotus (red tiger lilly), Water sprite, Anubias like (Anubias barteri) or (Anubias Nana), Najas , or Valisneria. Typically, most plants are more dependent upon Lighting levels more so than exact water chemistry.
For plants that prefer moderate light levels- On average 2 watts per gallon*
Cambomba caroliniana ---Background
Bacopa monnieri Background
Onion Plant Back/midground
Pennywort (hydrocotyle vulgaris) background
Red Rubin (echinodorus rubin) background
Jungle Val {Vallisneria americana) background
Broad Leaf Ludwigia (Ludwidgia Repens) background
Melon Sword (Echinodorus osiris) background
Radican Sword (E.Cordifolius) background
Rotala Indica -midground
Variegated Japanese Dwarf Rush (acrorus Variegatus)
Dwarf Sagittaria (Sagittaroa subulata) midground
Crispus (Aponogeton Crispus) background
Banana Plant (indes aquatica) Foreground
Micro Sword (Lilaeopsis novae-zelandiae)--Foreground
Well these are just a few species of the suitable plants you may wish to include in your setup.
It is best that you take note on different species requirements in terms of fertilizers/co2 injection. Most plants greatly appreciate and do best in a nutrient rich substrate.

Here is a website that might also be of some help to you-

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and best of luck with your Gourami aquarium!!