Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > Parasites/Worms


25 9:12:07

Well, for some time now I've noticed in my fish tank or really on the top of the tank there are these little brown worm things.  They start small and grow but they are no more than a cinnemter maybe.  They haven't really killed my fish, but it's gross.  I have already once completely emptied out the tank and put new gravel and everything new!!!! Except of course the fish.  They will not go away!  I have even been puttin in this stuff that is suppose to kill them! I've been following the instructions and doing that for atleast 6 months now! It doesn't seem to effect them at all.  The stuff is called QuIck cure and it's blue! Also, there are littel flies that come out of there, I think that maybe the worms turn into them MAYBE!! Not 100% on that!  Any suggestions on what i should do to get rid of them?

Dear Erica,
Hmm.. Little tiny worms in your aquarium can be many things and it's very difficult to know what exactly you have. From what you mentioned, I would imagine you have some species of fly/gnat breeding in there. I'm very surprised your fish are not eating the larvae. I wouldn't use Quick cure because this can destroy beneficial bacterial colonies which are are high priorities as they are the one responsible for keeping your water toxin free of ammonia and nitrite. And as you have found out the Quick cure doesn't affect the fly/gnats larvae or life cycle.
Also please don't completely empty or change all the gravel out. As this will have the same effect if not worse (when using quick cure) on the bacterial colonies.

I think I would make sure they aren't feasting on aquarium debri buildup on the top tank cover/hood underneath. Sometimes fishfood, algae, and hard water deposites end up there making a nice little breakfast, lunch, and dinner for the little flies or gnats. Make sure to wipe that off and prevent buildup of it on there.
*I would also get a brine shrimp net and net out as many larvae as you can find. Net,net,net! This should help control the population of whatever these aquatic breeding insects are.

Hopefully with these steps taken consistantly. This should resolve your problem.

I'm sorry I cannot be more specific with the species of gnats or flies involved but there is really no way to tell exactly. Your best remedy is not medications or chemicals, but continual manuel removal of the larvae, and removing the mature flies/gnats as you see them and eliminating any food source they might be living off of.

I really hope this helps!
Best wishes and Best of luck with your Fly/gnat problem!!!