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tiny white bugs on tank

23 16:53:46

I saw these tiny white cigar-shaped spots on the tank wall while I was sitting and looking at one of our fish. Then I noticed that they were actually moving . You can barely tell unless you dont blink. We just got some plants from Fosters a few weeks ago. Could they be from the plant? We keep a pretty clean tank. We also had a big rock from the pet store in there that had some colored lichen stuff on it? Could it be from that? Or we got rid of ick aver a month ago when we got two new plecos we got it really bad and 2 fish died. Please help I dont want these bugs to kill any of the fish I have left. Thank you so ver much, Kristina

I'm very certain you've got water hydra in your fish tank.  Hydra are small water bugs.  Typically they come from live plants and their roots.  Most typical over the counter medications will kill the hydra.  Another affordable way to kill off hydra is to remove the fish into another holding tank, and simply put chlorinated water into your tank.  Chlorine kills hydra as well as the what they feed on.  After 24 hours, neutralize the chlorine and put the fish back in.  Otherwise, any OTC parasite killer will work.  Good luck, hope your tank gets better