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my axolotls fin damage

23 16:28:41

hi. i have an axolotl and just recently i have moved it to a bigger tank. sadly as i was moving its rear tail fin at the top got caught on something and quite a large piece has fallen off. i got a natural antibiotic from the fish shop and am treating it. will this limit its movment and will it grow back?? cheers.

Hi Sam;

As long as there is no infection and the water is kept clean, it will indeed grow back. Axolotls are very unique amphibians. They can even grow back legs, tail and even parts of the head and brain. Scientists have studied them for many years in order to find out how they are able to do that and if humans could do the same someday by using cells from them.

I hope he does okay...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins