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When to inject air into tank water

23 15:57:20

I'm setting up a 45 gal freshwater tank (Plants & Fish) and am trying to cover all the bases up front to get it done as close to right the first time. Substrate heater, Substrate, Driftwood, Water heater, Various Plants, Slate stone constructions, Fish, CO2 (pressurized tank, diffuser, PH controller) 2 Power pumps (Aqua-Tech 60's, I'm stopping one during night rest periods), 260 watts of lighting, 4  watts of LED moon light. All this controlled by an computer as to on and off times. Plant and fish type not determined yet.

My Question is concerning air injection with air pump and 1 or 2 10" air stones. The tank is 48"L x 12"W x 20"H. Not only when (if any) should I inject natural air via pump & air stone(s), but also when should I not?

Thanks for the Info.
Have a Blessed Day.
Southeastern NC, USA

Everything sounds good. ^_^

I would just turn the air pump off at night. It's not a big loss if you don't have an air pump they are more so there to make the tank look pretty, there might be a small amount of benficial oxygen from it but not a sufficient amount that would kill fish if it wasn't there. You can run it all day, all night, or all day and turn it off over night and be fine.