Pet Information > ASK Experts > Pet Fish > Freshwater Aquarium > MY GOLDFISH IS DYING??!!!!!!!


23 16:24:22

My tank has been set up for 1 1/2 years and is 30 gallons.  I have goldfish only.  6 about 2-3 inches long and 1 about 9 inches long (the sick one)  I have an AquaTech filter.  I don't know the levels of anything in the tank and I change the water approximately every 2 weeks.  I replace about 10-15 gallons when changing water.

My goldfish is laying on his side in the bottom of my 30 gallon tank.  I have only had him about 1-1/2 years.  I have 7 total, he of course is the biggest and the one that I truly love the most.  I know that he is just a fish but I don't want him to die.  If I pull him toward the top and then let him go, he falls over on his right side and falls to the bottom.  He does not really seem to be gasping for air and is trying to swim but alas, he cannot.

Please, if you can, help me.  My fish are all that I have.  I know that it is not true that they care about me and only want me for food but when I come in my front door he always swims to the side so he can watch me come in.  I swear to you that he does this every time I come home.


Hi Donna;

It sounds like his swim bladder has malfunctioned. The swim bladder is an organ inside the fish that controls buoyancy. It doesn't necessarily mean he is dying, he just doesn't have the ability to float up in the water because of a failed swim bladder. Here is a good article about it with some things you can try that might help him;

Hang in there Donna, and I hope your little friend feels better very soon...

At Your Service;
Chris Robbins