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setting up a 75 gallon aquarium

23 16:00:52

im setting up a 75 gallon aquarium. i bought 2- aquaclear 110 filters. 1 300 watt heater. 3 large fake plants with rocks to keep it on the bottom of tank. no gravel hate the stuff. i will have 4 platys 4 sword fish and 4 mollys and maybe i male betta if you think its safe for him. i do not belive in over crowding. i will feed frozen and flake foods. thank you joe

Dear Joseph,

  yes, I think it would be safe to add the betta, but if your livbearers have babys... whick they will...  then he will eat them.  This is nowhere near overstocking.  For a 75 Gallon you could have 10 platys, and 10 mollys and still be nowhere near your limit.