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Moving Fish

23 16:28:41

Hi Karen!
Well, after everything I have been through setting up the new tanks, (I now have 16) cycling with the sponge filters, adding new fish a few at a time, moving current fish from one tank to another, they are all in perfect shape and I have lost no fish during the process.

However, I am being transferred to Atlanta, a 14 hour drive from Houston. I want to take all of my fish with me, but am concerned about their welfare and surviving in a traveling container for that length of time. I was told I can put them in styrofoam containers lined with plastic bags and battery operated air pumps. Stopping every few hours to open the containers to refresh the air inside. But, that is still an awfully long time on the road.

My 8 Bettas I am almost certain will make the trip ok. In my large aquariums combined I have Blood Parrots, Angels, Gouramis, Ram Cichlids, Kribensis Cichlids, Brichardi, Black Mollies, Red Eye Tetras, Black Tetras, White Tetras, Neon Tetras, Buenos Aires Tetras, Green Tiger Barbs, Swordtails, Guppies, Harlequin Rasboras and Cory Catfish.

Is it at all possible to successfully transport these fish on the road for that length of time without losing any of them?

And if so, other than what I mentioned above, what other steps should I take to minimize their stress and ensure their safety?

Thanks for all of your help! :)

Hi Richard!
What I'd probably do is get a very large ice chest or several medium size ones. And put the sponge filters in each one of them and run them by battery-powered air pumps. That way they'd have some sort of biological filtration going on to help control ammonia that's going to build up. You can also add some amquel water conditioner to the traveling containers to help control ammonia. This is also good to help preserve your beneficial bacteria in general.

I would hold back on feeding the fish at least for a day before you move so they won't immediately pollute their water too much.

You should be fine. As long as you have insulating ice chests and bubbling sponge filters aerating the water you should be ok.

However, I cannot guarantee anything. All you can do is try your best. I'm pretty sure this should all work out fine.

Best wishes and I hope this helps!