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Trumpet snails

23 16:07:05

Please can you advise on how we can control Malaysian trumpet snails. My son and I have a 60 liter tank with 6 bronze corydoras and a load of snails I have been taking them out by hand but is there a natural way of controlling them with fish that would be able to live along side the corys.

Hi Martin,
There are a few species of fish that can keep snails under control. Most well-known of these are loaches. There are many species available and some of them grow too large for your tank. But I feel the Zebra loach-

Or the small Chain/Dwarf loach is a known snail eater and enjoys being in groups and can be kept in small aquariums-

I hope this helps. One of the best ways to avoid snail overpopulation is to avoid allowing them an excess of food in the bottom.
