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Equipment problems for Indian Aquarium Mollies and other livebearers.

23 15:22:28

I am not lucky as being an
Indian Citizen as I cannot
avail of the proper aquarium
equipment. The aquarium
shop owners don't even know
how to differentiate between
male and female mollies. They
just want to sell and get the
money of the fish. They keep
saltwater fish in freshwater,
killing all of them. They keep
neglecting the free advises
given by some knowledgeable
customers. But in south India,
aquariumists know of
everything selling proper
equipment. Can I make a
cover for mollies at home? Can
I get live shrimps or worms
from some habitat?
-Prashant Annamalai

Hello Prashant,
What an interesting story about your local aquarium shop. It is sad that they do not try to improve the conditions of the fish they have for sell.

When you ask about making a cover for mollies at home I assume you mean a cover for the tank? That would include light fixtures as well? If so, of course there is always a way you can make do. Lucky that you have the computer at least which will help you greatly in researching how to make covers for tanks.

I found this article you can read through and see if it may help -

You could go to any local pond or stream and harvest small worms and shrimp for your mollies. But be sure the water hasn't polluted by dangerous chemicals. Keep in mind feeding live wild-caught foods like these can introduce harmful internal parasites to your fish. You can also set out a container of clean water and allow mosquitoes to lay eggs and larvae to hatch. Most fish love eating these. And with this method, you know the quality of the water and there's less likely a chance for illness to occur.

Is there any way you could order supplies online for your fish? That would help if its possible.

I really hope this helps and good luck!