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ick treament in small tank

25 9:01:17

I have a one gallon tank (undergravel filter and air pump) with one goldfish who has just developed ick. I suspected some kind of parasite a few days ago (due to the fact that he was flashing and constantly rubbing against things) so I started using Jungle Lifegaurd since I wasn't sure what it was and figured that would take care of it. Now that I am positive that it is ick, is there anything else I can add to clear it up? I've heard a lot of different things (Coppersafe, Melafix, etc.) but I'm not sure which is best and what combination to use and how much to use. The biggest problem is the fact that I have one-gallon of water and most treatments are in 10-gallon dosages and I'm having a hard time judging how much to use for a one-gallon (and naturally I don't want to overdose on anything). Also, he tends to be hanging around the top of the tank and breathing from the surface despite the air pump so will that clear up with the ick? Thanks a ton!

Dear Jessica,
The biggest problem here is the size of your aquarium. Not even one small goldfish is suitable for a 1gal tank. It is simply too small. Goldfish produce far too much waste, need plenty of space, and filtration as well as oxygentated water that small aquariums can't provide. Goldfish really thrive best in an aquarium of 20-30 gallons minimum.

You may already know this already but It's well worth mentioning as I love all goldfish and only want the best for all of them.

Now about the Ick. The medication I have always used is "Quick cure" with all my 'patients' with good sucess--goldfish included. It's very important with any medication usage that you insure to do daily water changes--this is even more important in such a small tank. 50% is a good place to start. Although I believe I would drain the water down to the goldfish's dorsal fins. Always remember to insure the replacement water is equal in temperature to that of your aquarium and insure it is properly dechlorinated everytime with a water conditioner. These daily water changes not only help greatly to relieve stress, but they also help remove excess parasites free-swimming in the water or gravel.

It's generally not a good sign for your goldfish to be up at the surface breathing. This could certainly be the result of poor water quality and medication usage. The best thing you can do for him is insure his airstone is creating good surface movement as goldfish are great oxygen consumers as it is and medication and poor water conditions can make breathing difficult for them. And do these vital daily water changes.

Dosing for 1gal tanks is a challenge. But for 'Quick Cure' it is approximately- 1 drop per gallon. If you need anymore help on other medication use and dosages feel free to let me know.
It's really not safe to combine medications unless the label states those two products are safe to mix. Typically using more than one medication just puts that much more stress on the poor fish.

Fortunately Ich is one of the easiest diseases to treat. But it must be caught early, and some fish may be under extreme stress already....and especially from poor water quality. You can only try your very best!

I really hope this helps. I'm glad you wrote me about your trouble and feel free to write if you have anymore concerns!

Best wishes,
(It would be great if you could get your goldfish into at least a inexpensive 10gal aquarium with a running power filter...This is better for him and his illness as well)