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asian community fish

23 16:08:49

QUESTION: I have got a 30 gal rectangle tank and am wondering if I can stock with (3)Pearl Gouramis (1 male, 2 female) 6 Harlequin Rasboras or 6 Glass catfish and 5 dwarf loaches or is this too few or too many. Also is there any other alternatives to put in my tank, I am a beginner.

ANSWER: Hi Paul,
Oh that sounds like a wonderful combination and I think it will work out great. I think you have picked out your fish selection just perfectly.

Just make sure to research the species thoroughly to make sure you know what each fish species needs specifically and you'll do fine!

Best of luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: My question now Karen is, which do I introduce to my tank first and at what intervals do I add the remaining stock.

Hi Paul,
Have you made sure that the tank will be cycled before you start stocking it?  The fish that are on your stocking list aren't very hardy for cycling. But you could easily put in 4-5 white clouds, Danios or barbs to cycle the tank. these these species are from Asian waters and are hardy. Either that, or fishless cycle the tank. There are lots of articles and info devoted to this humane-alternative to cycling.

*Ideally would be if you could borrow a sponge filter from another healthy aquarium and introduce some of your fish along with the sponge filter. Believe it or not sponge filters can 'instantly' cycle a tank and are the most reliable proven method. Beneficial bacteria are solid on a sponge filter and in sufficient numbers to sometimes even take a fully stocked tank.

If your deciding between two stocking schemes (kinda unsure)

The gouramis and Rasboras

The Loaches and Glass catfish

Or if you are combining the two. (again, I'm not sure)

I'd probably add the pearl gouramis and catfish last. The Rasboras and loaches are probably the easiest and hardiest and should be added first. Glass cats can be sensitive, so add them last when you are sure your water is healthy. Adding the gouramis somewhere near last also helps prevent them from establishing the tank as 'their own' and bullying other fish. While unlikely -to- happen, its always possible.

Interval-times are based on how well your tank is cycling and such. A basic rule is it is safe to add more fish when your ammonia and nitrites have dropped to zero. Nitrates can be present, just not above 40ppm. The lower the better. Some tanks encounter a slight ammonia rise when a new fish is added. The bacteria will have to adjust to the extra waste production but soon they will take care of the ammonia rise. It my be helpful to test your water the next day after adding new fish.

I hope this helps!!